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Why Diet and Exercise Don’t Work for 90% of People?

If you’re like most folks, you’ve probably tried your fair share of diets and exercise regimes to shed those extra pounds, which is precisely why diet and dxercise don’t work for 90% of people. But let’s be real – for the vast majority of us, those efforts often end up being a huge waste of time and energy.

In fact, studies show that a staggering 90% of people who lose weight through dieting end up regaining it within a year. And when it comes to exercise, the results can be even more disheartening – a review of studies found that adding exercise to a diet generated no greater weight loss than diet alone after six months.

So, what gives? Why do these seemingly foolproof methods fail so miserably for the vast majority of us? Well, my friend, it all comes down to a few key factors that most diet and exercise plans completely overlook.

The Myth of the 80/20 Rule

You’ve probably heard the saying that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. But let’s be real – that’s a load of baloney. While it’s true that diet plays a bigger role in weight loss than exercise, the 80/20 ratio is nothing more than a myth.

The truth is, creating a calorie deficit through diet alone is much easier than trying to burn off those extra calories through exercise. Think about it – to lose just one pound, you need to create a 3,500 calorie deficit. That means you’d have to run for about 35 miles to burn off a single pound. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Also read : Top 5 Yoga Poses for Effective Weightloss

The Problem with Dieting

Now, let’s talk about dieting. It’s no secret that cutting calories is the key to losing weight. But here’s the thing – most diets are simply unsustainable in the long run. They’re too restrictive, too boring, and too much of a hassle to stick to for more than a few weeks.

And let’s not forget about the dreaded “yo-yo” effect. When you finally cave in to your cravings and start eating normally again, your body goes into panic mode and starts packing on the pounds even faster than before. It’s like your body is getting revenge for all those times you deprived it of its favorite foods.

The Trouble with Exercise

As for exercise, it’s not exactly a magic bullet either. While it’s true that regular physical activity can help you lose weight, it’s not nearly as effective as most people think. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that participants who exercised for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, lost no more weight than those who didn’t exercise at all.

And don’t forget about the “exercise compensation” effect. When you work out, your body often responds by increasing your appetite and slowing down your metabolism. It’s like your body is saying, “Hey, you have burned a lot of calories, so you deserve a big  reward!” And that reward usually comes in the form of a giant cheeseburger and fries.

So, What is the Solution?

So, if dieting and exercise aren’t the answer, what is? the real solution of the problem why diet and exercise don’t work for 90% of people? is the BHB level in the body.

What is BHB and it’s Role in Weight Loss ?

BHB or beta-hydroxybutyrate, is a ketone body produced in your body that can provide several benefits when it comes to weight loss. Here’s how BHB helps:

1. Provides Energy During Ketosis

When you follow a ketogenic diet, your body enters in to a state of ketosis. During ketosis, your body starts burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. BHB is produced as a byproduct of this fat burning process and serves as an alternative energy source for your body and brain.

2. Suppresses Appetite

BHB has been shown to suppress appetite and reduce hunger cravings. This is likely due to its effects on hormones like ghrelin, which stimulates hunger. By reducing hunger, BHB can make it easier to stick to a calorie-controlled diet for weight loss.

3. Enhances Fat Burning

Some research suggests that BHB may enhance fat burning and lipolysis (the breakdown of fat). One study found that daily BHB supplementation led to significant reductions in visceral fat in healthy adults, even without dieting or exercise.

4. Preserves Muscle Mass

While in a calorie deficit for weight loss, BHB may help preserve muscle mass. One study found a trend towards lower urinary nitrogen excretion (a marker of muscle breakdown) with BHB supplementation during a ketogenic diet.

When it comes to managing BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) levels in the body, 9-C fat molecules play a significant role. Understanding this relationship can help clarify how our bodies utilize fats for energy, particularly during states of ketosis.

What Are 9-C Fat Molecules?

9-C fat molecules, or 9-carbon fatty acids, are a type of fatty acid that can influence metabolic processes.

Studies have shown that the intake of healthy fats, including those containing 9-C fatty acids, can significantly impact BHB levels

These molecules are derived from dietary fats and can be converted into ketone bodies like BHB when carbohydrates are limited.

How 9-C Fat Molecules Influence BHB Production

1. Source of Energy

  • When you consume fats, especially those rich in 9-C fatty acids, they are broken down into free fatty acids.
  • These free fatty acids are transported to the liver, where they undergo beta-oxidation to produce ketones, including BHB.

2. Enhancing Ketogenesis

  • The presence of 9-C fat molecules stimulates the HMG-CoA synthase (HMGCS2) enzyme, which is crucial for ketogenesis.
  • Research indicates that higher levels of fatty acids in the liver lead to increased BHB production, particularly during fasting or low-carb diets.

3. Regulation of BHB Levels

  • Elevated levels of 9-C fatty acids can enhance the synthesis of BHB, allowing the body to maintain energy levels during periods of low carbohydrate availability.
  • This is particularly important for individuals following a ketogenic diet, as the goal is to keep BHB levels elevated for optimal energy and metabolic function.


In summary, 9-C fat molecules play a crucial role in managing BHB levels in the body. They provide the necessary substrates for ketogenesis, facilitating the conversion of fats into BHB during periods of low carbohydrate intake.

Scientific evidence supports the idea that increased dietary fats, particularly those rich in 9-C fatty acids, can enhance BHB production which helps in lose weight without spending hours in the gym and starving and leaving you favourite food .

Here’s a proven formula that boosts BHB levels in your body using natural ingredients like 9-C fatty acids, L-Theanine, and B-vitamins. It helps you lose weight effectively without having to sweat it out at the gym or starve yourself.

Click Here to Learn more 


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